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of people across communities in North India continue to be exposed to high crime rates. Consequences of such communities subjected to crime exhibits its impact on society where we see youth dropping out, involved in delinquent activities, women facing perilous environment, to name a few.
We are on a mission to prevent crime by identifying and addressing these root causes with relevant interventions for children, women, youth, and community at large with an ultimate aim of crime prevention and social development. We believe that this will challenge the socio-economic inequalities and enable these vulnerable sections of society towards the goal of self reliance.
We work in villages and urban slums of North India to prevent Crime through the following programs:
No Crime means Stronger Communities

Right Education for Children
1 out of 3 children drop out even before elementary school since they do not possess the environment for propagating education. Creating awareness among communities helps emphasising the importance of education in development of the child.

Employment for Youth & Adults
Youth comprises of major workforce population with 1/3rd of them constituting this segment. Training, development and upskilling them abridges the employment gap and enhance their acceptability among recruiters.

Empowering Women towards Self Reliance
A major part of a vulnerable community comprises women afflicted and affected by domestic abuse. By building leadership capacities we will create responsible, financially stable and self reliant communities.

Greener and Healthier Communities
Instilling ownership for a sustainable lifestyle helps in making the community significantly more aware of the value of respecting nature.
Over the last 3 and a half decades, we aided in preventing crime and have worked with over 4 million people to build their capacity in helping them contribute to the society by:

Working on the Grassroots
Connecting with the key stakeholders helps in enhanced understanding of the needs of the community, effective program planning and tracking deliverables. This goes a long way in ensuring successful implementation of our programs.

Working with Knowledge Partners
Organization driving and working towards a common cause enhances the efficacy of implementation of strategies and the impact of work .

Working with Funding Partners
Connecting with the key stakeholders helps in enhanced understanding of the needs of the community, effective program planning and tracking deliverables. This goes a long way in ensuring successful implementation of our programs.
What's New
Stories of Change
Sahana is an eternal learner
Sahana thinks beyond self. She thinks for the people around her. She thinks about the community and its problems. She has great potential in identifying the issues of the community. She has the skill to unite a team and to bring about a change. She mobilizes resources and initiates various drives in the community. Sahana […]
Dheeraj is a technical expert
Dheeraj Rani was handling household chores in a family of six, but had a constant urge to do something in order to make her distinct identity. She came to know about the Skills for Youth and Adults program at Navjyoti India Foundation and enrolled herself in the Automotive Service Technician Course. She was the sole […]
Dilkush mentors aspirants
Dilkush believes that great opportunities are everywhere but the art of availing it has to be mastered. He joined Personality Development Course at Navjyoti right after completing his Grade X. He came to understand about the ongoing trends in the professional world and discovered his areas of improvement during the course. He not only discovered […]