Building community
leadership capacities
The sole aim of our Community Development Program is the upliftment of the community at all levels. We are building leadership capacities and creating responsible communities through Women Empowerment programs, Family-Community Counseling programs, and Environmental interventions.
The Need
Community development program emerged to address deep-rooted social problems in the society. The dire need to prevent domestic violence, child marriage, disintegration of families, moral decay, dysfunctional communities led to design of holistic strategies for prevention of crime at primary level. Integrated social development program was acknowledged to improve the social and economic conditions of the society in order to break the cycle of violence and crime.
Alarming Facts
India ranks 112 out of 153 as per Gender Gap Index, 2019-20 which measures extent of gender-based gaps in economic participation and opportunity.
As per Economic Survey 2018, female labour force participation rate (LFPR) in 23.7 per cent only.
National Family Health Survey – IV, India reported that one-third of women aged 15 to 49 had experienced physical and sexual violence.

Our Model Approach
We engage communities and strengthen their capacities to build social and asset capital enhancing social outcomes through collective decision-making. This is achieved by adopting integrated community development approach focusing on 6S.
We are part of Global Development Goals
Our women empowerment program addresses SDG 1 (End poverty in all its form and everywhere), SDG 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls), SDG 8 and SDG 10 (Reduce inequality within and among the countries). This is possible by creating employment for women and bridging the gap with their male counterparts. Our health awareness program promotes SDG 3 promoting healthy lives and well being for all the ages.

Impact Created
women and girls empowered through income generation skills
women organized into Self Help Groups for social and economic empowerment
women entrepreneurs created who have opened their production units, shops and doing business
Stories of Impact
Nirmala is not just an entrepreneur and homemaker, she is also a change maker. While her education is that of a 10th pass, her experiences have made her knowledgeable and aware. She helps village members in government work, pension work and is a socially active member of the community. She believes that she should help as many people as she can so that more women can turn their life around like she did.
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ladies empowerment
women and empowerment
women empowerment
women s empowerment
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women self help groups
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women empowerment examples
female economic empowerment
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ngo female empowerment
ngo for women empowerment
women and economic empowerment
women economic empowerment
women ngo
female empowerment
women empowerment organizations
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empowerment ngo
ngo empowerment
ngo working for empowerment
ngos working for women’s empowerment
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